With today being Thanksgiving I just want to take a moment to be grateful.... I have so much! A few things I am very grateful for are:
1. My parents.... without them I wouldn't be who I am today! My mom taught me how to be a loving mother. My mom and dad were always there for me whenever I needed them. My dad would always go on my field trips with me, even if it was an over nighter at the Enviromental Center! I never went without anything that I needed and seldom went without what I wanted! My parents ALWAYS took the very best care of me and my brother and sisters. They are such great parents and I love them both so much!
2. My husband... Lets be honest he has to be one of the most patient men out there in the world today.... He is such an amazing husband and even a more amazing father! He is always trying to do what ever he can to make me and my girls happy! He lays in my spot on the bed to warm it up before I come to bed! He will always get me socks for my cold feet no matter what time of day or night it is! Right now he is running around town trying to find me a newspaper that has all the black Friday ads in it!! He is so amazing!! I love you Tracy!!
3. My BEAUTIFUL girls... I am so extremely grateful for my 3 girls! They make me so happy! They always put a smile on my face and warm my heart! I am so grateful that I get to stay home with them to experience all of the joys of motherhood... It was always something that I wanted to do is stay home with my family and I get to do it!!! I am so grateful that this year Ella was able to join our family. Hannah and Madelyn love their little sister so much, they help with anything that she may need. I love you, Hannah, Mady, and Ella!!!
4. My sisters.... I love my sisters so much! Dallice is so loyal and always there for me! I have loved watching my little sis grow up into such a great person. She is such a good mom that loves her family so much! Thank you Dallice for all you've done for me and my family! I love you! I also love my big sis Brea! She may not be here with us now to enjoy all the things we are doing but growing up she was a great big sis! She was a great mom who loved her kids so much! I know that she is watching over us probably laughing her head off that we have turned her Jordan into a black Friday nut!! I love you Brea and I know that one day I will be able to tell you that!!!
5. My brother... Sometimes I give my brother a hard time and say that when people know him and realize that I am his sister I always say I really like people to get to know me before they know we are related! The other day when I mentioned this to someone I ran into she said that Zack is a good person and was always kind to her! I know that my brother is a kind person and a great dad! He loves Harlie so much and uses his time off to spend with her. He comes and shovels my walks when Tracy is out of town. He is such a good person and loves his family! I love you Zack! Thanks for being my brother!
6. My nieces and nephew... I just love my sweet nieces and nephew soooo much! They are such great kids! Tyson makes me so proud of all his accomplishments that he has achieved this year! His mom is so proud of him, I just know it because I know that all of us are so proud of him! I cannot believe how grown-up my Jordy is! She is so much fun to be around and such a help with my girls! She is so beautiful! Harlie, Korie, and Gracie you are such good girls! I love you all so much and I know that Aunt Spring is going to always be your favorite auntie!!!
7. My friends.... I have been so blessed to have the amazing friends that I do have... Good friends are such a blessing! To me my friends are my extended family! I have been so blessed with good friends that helped us when we have needed a little help! I have friends that have been my friends for many years and some that have only been my friend for a short time but you are all very important to me and I value our friendship very much!
8. The Gospel... I am so fortunate to have the gospel in my life! Through the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ I know without a doubt that I will be able to be with my family forever and I will be able to see my loved ones that have passed on.... I miss my grandparents and remember all of the past Thanksgivings that we were able to spend together. I also miss my Grandpa Zondervon's sweet sisters that have passed. I really miss my big sister, Brea and it will be such a joyous time to reunite with them all! Through the gospel we will be able to do this!
9. My Country.... I am so grateful that I live in the United States of America! I am grateful for the men and women that fight and have fought to make us a free country... I am grateful that my dad helped me to understand how important the military is and all that they do for us!
10. My in-laws.... I have been so blessed to marry into such a great family. They are always there willing to help our family whenever or with whatever we may need! My girls love there grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins very much! We all have so much fun when we are all together! Thank you for accepting me into such a great family!!
*Warm Showers when I get one...
*Yummy Food to eat...
*High Heels to make me look thinner...
*Uggs to keep my feet warm...
*Tracy's Job to pay the bills...
*Warm, Nice house to live in...
I could go on and on... I have so much and am very grateful for all that I have....